Application Period for Fall’24: 1 April - 10 June 2024


Admission procedure and required information regarding the whole process.

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Courses, course contents and useful information.

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Useful information for enrolled students.

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Key Electives

Web Application Development

Web application development using visual and event-driven programming.

Cloud Computing For Business

Client/server architectures. IaaS, PaaS, SaaS. Public, private, and hybrid clouds.

Information Technology Project Management

Alignment of project and organizational goals. Project planning and controlling.

Data Mining and Knowledge Acquisition

Association, classification, clustering. Web mining, text mining, data visualization.

Customer Relationship Management

The economic and strategic value of CRM. Integration of CRM into company philosophy and systems.


Mobile payments, mobile banking, blockchain technology, Bank 3.0, technology startup valuation and financing.

*Offered electives may vary regarding the semester. Please see current electives list.

information systems managers,
for the future

267 students

133+ projects
